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Is it time to shift expectations for K-12? This piece by Jamie Merisotis, CEO for the Lumina Foundation, suggests its time to set a new secondary educational bar, described as “K-14”

This Forbes Newsletter from May 1, 2024 starts a conversation about the need for shifting the objective of secondary education from graduation to that of meeting the demands in the current and future workforce for more knowledge and skills.   This orientation includes dual credit programing as an example of programing offered in High School that looks to provide academic achievement beyond a high school diploma. We need to see more of this thinking and doing.  Mr. Merisotis leaves the complexities of […] Read More

Oregon Capital Chronicle article on the trend line for the impact of high school enrollment in Community Colleges

This ARTICLE article by Alex Baumhardt shows some interesting data on dual enrollment impacts on Oregon’s Community College student counts and the impact on state/student tuition revenues for the College. Read More

Alex Perry’s heads up about some exciting new research projects funded by the Dual Enrollment Research Fund

Alex Perry of the College in High School Alliance sent us word of a new round of research project in Dual Enrollment. this ARTICLE describes six research projects under way due to funding awards by the Dual Enrollment Research Fund.  The awards were made to advance research along topics of dual enrollment equity, TEACHER CREDENTILING policy, and CTE programing with dual enrollment.   We’re particularly interested in seeing the work addressing teacher credentials from Oregon’s Sponsored Dual Credit model “(which provides an […] Read More

Community College Faculty challenge dual credit legislation in Illinois based on faculty union concerns about shifting college level course work from the college campus to the High School

This  article in the Pentagraph by Mateusz Janik (April 14, 2024)  describes some unique shifts in faculty teaching loads from the college campus to the high school campus through dual credit course options.  As these dual credit programs become more and more popular, some Community College faculty unions see faculty teaching loads shift to high schools, thus reducing the demand for that course content on campus and a resulting reduction in faculty teaching those courses. This shift toward high school […] Read More

A good fact sheet on dual enrollment 2024

this is a quick read with some broad national data sets for those looking for some good talking points in support of dual enrollment programing Read More

Community College faculty push back on Dual Credit Legislation on Two Fonts: Assurance of faculty standards and Program Access Shortcomings in the Legislation

This ARTICLE from is an interesting piece on the changing dynamics in dual credit programing/enrollment, where teacher shortages and the faculty standards required of the credit granting institutions are at odds.  Legislative efforts to redress teacher shortages include reducing dual enrollment teacher credentialling requirements (faculty standards) that are impacting student performance outcomes for subsequent college performance…which is being argued by college faculty as a consequence of eliminating college level teaching credentials.  This conversation in Illinois is centered on legislative […] Read More

NACEP’s Amy Williams weighs in on the Biden budget proposal for 2024

This is a copy of a message distributed by Amy Williams, Executive Director for the National Association of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships.   Hello NACEP Members, Happy Wednesday to you all! I wanted to share some exciting news from the White House.   On Monday, President Biden released his budget request for the US Dept. of Ed. for fiscal year 2025. The President’s budget is submitted annually to Congress and outlines proposed spending aligned with the administration’s priorities. Ultimately, Congress determines […] Read More

State of Louisiana Board of Regents Report on Dual Enrollment Has Really Great Data, Recommendations, and Covid-Post Covid Results

This 2023 Dual Enrollment Task Force Report  does an excellent job of capturing meaningful data on outcomes, and performance for dual enrollment programing participation in the State.  It also shows that data over time, and including during the Pandemic-impact years.  Access issues, funding, teacher credentialing efforts, and more are noted within a set of recommendations for higher ed, secondary ed. legislators and more.  The report is well organized and packed with supporting documents. Read More

Alex Perry from the College in High School Alliance offers a quick look at the 2025 Budget Request references to additional funding for Dual Enrollment

Dear members of the College in High School Alliance, Yesterday, President Biden released his Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the US Department of Education and the other federal agencies that make up the federal budget. Each year, the President must send to Congress a budget that requests spending aligned to his priorities. Congress then considers the President’s request, and makes decision about what – and what not – to fund. This year’s budget request includes an exciting proposal to […] Read More

Ed Research for Action publishes summary of researach looking at student success in early college courses

This Summary Report provides a quick overview of research conducted by:  Dylan Conger (George Washington University), Steven W Memelt (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Maria Louisa Vasquez (George Washington University).  A copy of the full report is also linked to this summary.   Key insights, strategies, and research findiings/limitations are summarized here. Read More