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Budget discussions threaten Louisiana’s successful dual enrollment programing

Budget challenges in Louisiana are looking at all state departments to find ways to cut costs.  Higher Education has looked at reducing the number of students in their dual enrollment classes as one means of meeting the state’s budget crunch. Read More

New longitudinal report on postsecondary outcomes of high school dual enrollment

This report published by the Community College Research Center tracks 2015 dual enrollment students for five years, reporting on several performance and demographic data.  Generally, the report points out strong comparative outcomes for dual enrollment versus non-dual enrollment students in terms of college level success.  low income, Black and Hispanic students trend toward non-dual enrollment groups, suggesting unique recommendations to improve participation and student suppport systems for greater success at post secondary endeavors.  The summary, video overview and full report […] Read More

the Michigan Community College Dual Enrollment Work Group has released a report on increasing enrollment, access and success (July 2024)

This report is focused on policy issues, funding and access/attainment and success elements using MI. Community College data for dual enrollment.  An attached research report by one of the contributing researchers is full of recent data regarding program performance and access information.  Policy recommendations are provided under familiar topical headings.  Read both the summary and the detailed research data HERE Read More

funding opportunity from the College in High School Alliance

  Dear members of the College in High School Alliance, Thanks to the generous support of the ECMC Foundation, Joyce Foundation, & Strada Education Foundation the College in High School Alliance has today released a Request for Proposals to recruit seven states over a two-year period to form the Next Phase of Dual Enrollment Policy Cohort, and receive technical assistance and funding to support those states in significantly advancing their policy structures to support dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and early college […] Read More

South Dakota Board of Regents promotes a new pipeline of teachers through apprenticeship and dual credit channels

South Dakota is introducing a new, “Gateway to Teacher Education” initiative that enables high school Juniors and Seniors to experience some attributes of teaching through apprenticeship or dual credit designs that jump starts a college bound certificate – leading to a degree.  Learn more about this innovative response to some scary teacher vacancy numbers in the state HERE Read More

budget cuts in Arizona lead to cuts that reduce funds to support efforts to recruit students to teaching programs. These efforts target a long term shortage of teachers in the state of Arizona

Governor Katie Hobbs has criticized the University of Arizona (UA) and the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) for their handling of a $177 million budget shortfall, emphasizing the adverse impact on teacher tuition support programs aimed at addressing the state’s teacher shortage. Among the financial strategies to mitigate the crisis, UA has implemented a hiring freeze, deferred certain projects, and plans to end its tuition guarantee program starting next fall (Inside Higher Ed) (Yahoo). The cuts to teacher tuition support […] Read More

The need for metrics for dual enrollment programing in Colorado is highlighted in this article.

  Colorado lawmakers are scrutinizing the ASCENT program and other dual enrollment initiatives due to rising costs and limited data on outcomes. ASCENT, established in 2009, allows high school students to take college classes for free. However, a recent report highlighted issues such as fragmented program administration and a lack of cohesion. Lawmakers have capped ASCENT’s enrollment to control costs and are seeking more data on the program’s effectiveness. Despite these challenges, educators see value in providing students with college […] Read More

South Carolina Boosts Scholarships for Education Majors to Stem Teacher Shortage

South Carolina has enacted a new law to provide additional scholarship aid to education majors at state colleges, offering an extra $2,500 to $3,300 yearly. The law aims to attract more students to the teaching profession amid a severe teacher shortage. Recipients must agree to teach in public schools for the duration they receive the scholarship. This initiative, along with planned salary increases for teachers, is part of a broader effort to improve teacher recruitment and retention in the state. […] Read More

This report from the Institute for College Access & Success (TICAS) provides a comprehensive guide to the elements required of a postsecondary credit program for secondary institutions

TICAS research evaluated MI based programs using a holistic approach, anchored in fully developed appreciation for the intended outcomes/benefits of such programing.  It then moves to describing the various programs in MI that provide pathways to achieving post secondary college credits.  This exercise includes data and observations about ease of access, racial disparities, some built in dysfunction or disincentives in terms of institutional motivation – largely focused on revenue impacts and enrollment impacts.   The report does recommend a full understanding […] Read More

One path to redress teacher shortages may be through the long standing workforce development practice, Apprenticeship

The US Dept. of Labor Blog has a concise description of a Biden Administration push for Teacher-Apprenticeship  programs in several states.  The Blog posting has several links to references and resources on the subject  This is an initiative that is being funded for pilot projects, it includes the use of intermediary partners that are well versed in Apprenticeship programs, admin and advising host institutions for such programing. Read More