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New Jersey announced grant funding ($500,000) for four sets of partnered institutions to advance access to dual credit programing to students from under-resourced communities

This January 30, 2024 news release from the New Jersey’s Secretary of Higher Education describes new funding for pilot projects among four different sets of dual credit programing partners that are designed to specifically target students with lower participation rates in dual credit programs. Read More

Washington State’s House passed a bill to increase awareness and participation by students in dual enrollment programs

This brief news item and article by Thomas Metcalf at NonStop Local News for the Tri-Cities in Washington State shows very strong support in the Washington House for Dual Credit Programing.  The bill supporting this measure passed with unanimous support;  it now moves on to the Senate Chamber for action/votes. Read More

Interesting take on changing education’s value proposition to future workforce needs that starts with a focus on career pathways

Dual enrollment – along with other strategies – gets applied in the case that is made in an essay by Jared Polis in The 74 Newsletter, entitled, “How Blurring the Lines Between High School, Colletge and Careers Can Set More Teens Up for Success”  He argues for an integration of education from K12-forward with business and industry to better align evolving demands for current and future skills/needs.  A mix of education, experience and employment needs to break down the divisions among […] Read More

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond reports out results of Survey regarding Dual Enrollment in the region’s Community Colleges

No surprises here in this survey reporting from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, but it does validate the importance of dual enrollment programing with data on enrollment counts for that region’s Community Colleges.  Additional insights reflect differences and similarities between urban and rural areas and provides a graphic representation of the composition of dual enrollment by race.  This is a quick read that is very much in line with what is happening across the country in terms of dual enrollment […] Read More

The College in High School Alliance and the Community College Research Center co-published a guide for States and Colleges to consider in building stronger dual enrollment initiatives

This report was released in January, 2024.  It is structured around three focal points:  “expanding access, strengthening on-ramps to postsecondary pathways and building and sustaining strong partnerships.” Find the report HERE Read More

Another look at the Ohio State Audit and survey report on Ohio’s College Credit Plus Program

This ARTICLE in the Inside Higher Ed entitled, “A State Calculates the Cost of Dual Enrollment” by Sara Weissman takes a cost accountant’s view of the College Credit Plus Program in Ohio.  That perspective recognizes the significant positive impact on enrollment data for Community Colleges, but it also raises the questions about whether or not such programing is structured as a sustainable business model, particularly when including indirect costs in addition to direct teaching costs as part of the overall assessment.  […] Read More

College Credit Plus audit shows some interesting insights into costs, revenues, enrollment counts, and more

This Auditor of State Special Report on the College Credit Plus (ccp) programing provides a financial perspective of program partners n Ohio.  This report brings dual credit programing assessments to a number of cost-benefit illustrations.  The primary focus of the report is on institutional drivers for program participation, using costs, revenues, and enrollments as effective considerations.  It also pointed out difficulties in cross institutional comparisons because of how programing is accounted for by institutions.  An article in the DAYTON DAILY […] Read More

Here’s another lead for the Illinois Workforce and Education Research Collaborative report on dual credit access issues

This REPORT is getting a lot of exposure in the media.  It’s a report on the disparate access to dual credit programing among certain populations.  This short article from BizZ media includes a link to the full report. Read More