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California report on dual enrollment shows upward trends, but also highlights access questions about program enrollments

this article by Ashley A Smith, Daniel J. Willis and Yuxuan Xie in EdSource provides strong data about the tremendous growth in dual enrollment, but also the racial and ethnic disparities that exist in terms of program enrollments.  the article can be found here  trend lines for dual enrollment in California Read More

Inside Higher Ed article on the impact of dual enrollment for the nation’s community colleges

this is a quick insight into the upward trend in dual enrollment credits being registered at community colleges.  there is also an insight into a ‘paradigm shift’ in using dual credit to expand access to higher education for underserved groups.  to read more Can High Schoolers Save the Community College? Read More

Concurrent Enrollment Review – a new publication for the profession and practice of concurrent enrollment

CER has announced a Call for Papers with a thematic focus on the origens, and evolution of DE/CE and how particular aspects impact current administrative practices, pedagogy and student learning.  The deadline to submit is January 17, 2023 and additional information on theme can be found at Suggested Themes Read More

Teacher Shortages and Shortages in Support Staffing are Lingering or Exasperated After initial Impacts of Covid

This teacher shortages article in the Hechinger Report confirms teacher and support staff shortages are still impacting school operations, but that the numbers may be reflecting several aspects of the overall labor market, including regional/sub-regional pockets of heightened shortages of teachers.  Covid remains a significant factor in building back teacher volume, but that may be mixed with other factors. Read More

Dept. of Education sees Dual Credit as a key to academic and career pathways

this blog From HOMEROOM- the official blog of the US DOE holds some recent research links and input from DOE, NACEP, P-20 leadership, about the potential for dual credit programing in elevating all students access to postsecondary pathways.  The links included in the blog provide contemporary evidence of the benefits accrued by dual credit students – but they also point out a change in thinking about bringing equity and access forward in considering programing, and underrepresented student populations. Read More

The Education Commission posts a look at teacher salaries as a driver of current teacher shortages

Supply and demand in the labor market typically includes a discussion of wages.  a Post in the Commission’s news blog by Desiree Carver-Thomas and Susan Kemper Patrick looks at teacher salaries across the states, noting significant changes in starting salaries that would confirm that the supply of teachers is low and the demand high…particularly in some states across the nation.  Read more at Addressing Teacher Shortages by Adjusting Teacher Salaries Read More

Two studies bring focus to student equity and access to dual credit enrollment in California

These research efforts highlight the growing interest and policy formation regarding dual enrollment for high school students and their partner postsecondary institutions as a pathway to improving student success in pursuit of a postsecondary credential.  To read the summary and to find links to the two studies, see dual enrollment research Read More

National media has picked up on the Annenberg Institute paper examining reports of teacher shortages in the US

Media sources are picking up on the research published by:  Tuan D. Nguyen (Kansas State U), Chanh B. Lam (Kansas State U) and Paul Bruno (University of Il. at Urbana-Champaign).  Some of that is a function of the ‘back to school’ season and a continuing interest in the state of education and student performance coming through the pandemic isolation and remote learning remedies.  This reference  from The74 – newsletter provides for a nice summary of the subject with a national […] Read More

Quantifying the supply of teachers against the demand for teachers is very challenging…leading to less than perfect strategies and policies to affect needed change at a National/State and Local level

This research Is there a national teacher shortage? A systematic examination of reports of teacher shortages in the United States | EdWorkingPapers demonstrates the incredible difficulties faced by policymakers who recognize a looming threat facing school leadership about staffing for the near and long terms in both gross demand and, within narrower definitions of demand (content areas – for example).  The researchers pulled together data from disparate state reporting channels, journalist-reporting and other evidentiary sources points to bring general suggestions […] Read More

US Dept of Education weighs in on the importance of dual credit enrollment as part of a broader strategy

This article from the Community College Daily provides insight into the thinking of US Dept of Education officials on the strategic importance of dual credit programing in meeting student success in post secondary general studies or career training opportunities following secondary education.  Read more here Read More