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Washington State legislature is looking to redress access and affordability challenges for some students

This is a piece written by Taija Perry Cook for Crosscut, and independent news entity with a focus on Seattle, WA and the Northwest region of the country.  The focus is on a couple of related legislative initiatives that address dual credit programing costs and access.  The case references were students aligned with Tacoma Community College;  these are a great complement to the legislative policy – where the student story is best understood.  the story can be found at Dual credit […] Read More

A good opinion piece from James A. Peyser in the Boston Globe with a balanced approach to post secondary choices with a focus on access

There are Innovative college and career programs for high school students. The legislature needs to fund them.There is an interesting shift in perspective here, where post secondary options are often positioned as competing, this piece positions both technical education and four year college as viable, attractive options.  It also clearly demonstrates important positive student success outcomes and benefits that attend dual/concurrent credit programing.  It also weaves in a shift from advanced placement origins for early college experiences to incorporate equity […] Read More

Dual Credit Bill Advances to House Floor in W. VA.

“West Virginia’s Dept. of Education says in a fiscal note that for the 2020-2021school year, 7,873 high school students enrolled in 16,046 courses.”   Author, David Beard of the Dominion Post writes that the dual credit courses would lean toward STEM content areas and that the legislature is considering underwriting a four year pilot project paid for – possibly – from surplus. Read More

K-12 Teacher Shortages top the list of higher education leaders’ concerns

This article by Natalie Schwartz in the Higher Ed Dive Workforce development, K-12 teacher shortages includes teacher shortages as a key concern of higher education leaders…a referenced working paper in the article from Brown University quantified the K-12 shortage at “36,000 with an additional 163,000 roles filled by underqualified teachers.” Read More

The College in High School Alliance provides a heads up on new IPEDS data collection on dual credit – including insight into community college enrollment impacts of dual credit students

Citing the Community College Research Center analysis of enrollments between 2019 and 2221 that uses new IPEDS data, we’re now able to see the impact of dual credit on post secondary institutions enrollment counts.  To see the link to the CCRC’s analysis, go to:  What happened to Community College Enrollment During the First Years of the Pandemic? It Depends on the Student’s Age Read More

Another good look at equity, access, and the impact of covid on dual credit course offerings

this article by Kelly Field in the Christian Science Monitor is a good review of both the increased popularity in dual credit and the challenges of making them accessible and affordable for all students.  read on at College while in high school: How dual credit is aiming for equity Read More

Kansas public universities finalizing plan in response to shortage of K-12 teachers

Tim Carpenter of the Kansas Reflector writes a concise summary of the basics in describing not only Kansas’s challenge in affecting enrollment in teaching programs, but – by extension – many other states gaps in the flow of people toward a teaching career.  He provides a frank discussion about the reasons for declines in teacher education degrees as well as the strategic responses under consideration by the State of Kansas.  to read the article, go toThe Wichita Eagle publication for […] Read More

Great report with contemporary research references and best funding practices in dual and concurrent credit

The Education Commission of the States is a fantastic resource for both data, research, topical reporting, and reference point for several facets of dual/concurrent enrollment in the country.  the following report State Approaches to Funding Dual Enrollment Programsby Chris Duncombe (Commission of the States Senior Policy Analyst) and Sharmila Mann (Education Commission of the States Strategic Policy Initiatives) includes some great reference materials from NACEP, the College in High School Alliance and several state specific reports and legislative samples.  This […] Read More

Submit Member Feedback on Proposed Assumed Practices related to Faculty Qualifications – dual and concurrent enrollment faculty

Dear Midwestern Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Community,   Today HLC has issued proposed revisions to its Assumed Practices pertaining to the qualifications of dual and concurrent enrollment instructors. HLC is asking for comments from the dual and concurrent enrollment community by February 15, 2023. Please consider offering feedback to them so that they have a rich understanding of how the proposed changes to the Assumed Practices might have an impact on your work and the programs you offer.  Please see […] Read More