California is focused on expanding the reach of dual enrollment across the spectrum of student pathways

This article Making the Most of State Investments in Dual Enrollment – Public Policy Institute of California ( highlights the trends in dual enrollment programs to incorporate career pathway planning into the programs.  This encourages another trend in dual enrollment that is clearly targeting marginalized students’ participation.  The idea here is to expose students to higher education well ahead of graduation from High School and to demonstrate to them that they have the wherewithal to undertake post secondary education and career aspirations […] Read More

Update on Georgia’s Legislative Review of Dual Enrollment results in strong financial and policy support for future dual enrollment programing

This is a follow on to earlier posted articles on the State of Georgia’s Legislative review of dual enrollment programing in the state.  The committee assigned to the review traveled the state looking at several examples of DE programing and concluded with several recommendations regarding funding, definitions for outcomes and longer term commitments to support programing.  See article from The Current, In-Depth Journalism for Coastal Georgia Read More

Community College Research Center published a strong case for intentional infusion of pathway logic to Dual Enrollment Programing

This research points out the well established positive student success outcomes of dual enrollment participation, but with a strong emphasis on access and equity gaps in some student populations.  In addition to pointing out the data that supports those points, it goes a step further in suggesting even stronger outcomes where the programs incorporate career path objectives.  This furthers the trend in DE that is moving away from DE targeting strong academic achievers to DE that targets students who have […] Read More

Here’s another article praising the success of structuring dual credit course taking into a more planned pathway that concludes with a job or with a credential

This Forbes article does a nice job of showing the power of dual credit coursework that is tied to a logical and purposeful sequence of courses or to a clear pathway to an occupation or to a credential.  I liked the phrase used to accentuate planned pathways, which the article pointed out are much more effective than ‘random dual credit’ taking in terms of student success metrics.  this is a good quick read. Read More