Nebraska Dual Credit Information
The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) defines dual enrollment as being enrolled in a course eligible for earning both high school and post-secondary credit but may or may not necessarily earn it. Dual credit i.e. earning dual credit, on the other hand, is when a student is enrolled in a course eligible for earning both high school and post-secondary credit and earns it according to NDE.
- A Postsecondary Teaching Permit is available to allow college faculty to teach courses offered by the post-secondary institution and approved by a local school system for high school credit. Each applicant for the certificate must meet specified requirements for a general teaching certificate, be eligible to teach courses for college credit as documented by a Nebraska postsecondary educational entity, hold a Master’s Degree and complete the employing college’s submission of the Postsecondary Verification Form. Regulations also specify certificate renewal requirements. (see Rule 21 Neberaska Dept. of Education) In addition, the Nebraska Dual Enrollment Standards, which serve as guidelines but do not have force of law, specify:
- Instructors must hold a master’s degree and “have the mutual support of the district and college/university participating in the dual enrollment program.”
- High school and postsecondary faculty must “receive appropriate orientation and training[.]”
- “Collaboration between high school and postsecondary faculty is encouraged and faculty development is available where appropriate.”
- “High school and postsecondary faculty maintain contact throughout the program. In some instances, this contact is facilitated by technology.”
Furthermore, “Course outlines or syllabi (including at minimum a description of content, teaching strategies, performance measures, grading standards, resource materials, objectives/outcomes, and course calendar) utilized in the program meet district(s), state, and college/university standards.” are needed.
- The Nebraska Dual Enrollment Standards, which serve as guidelines but do not have force of law, specify that:
- The district(s) and postsecondary institution should annually review the program.
- Program participants should be “tracked following graduation through postsecondary experiences when possible. Tracking elements may include district(s) data (e.g., class rank, GPA, ACT where available, AP exam where available and appropriate, and course outcomes and grade) and postsecondary data (e.g., GPA, major, number of hours completed, and enhancements, if appropriate to program). hold
Participating Institutions
Tuition Support-
Excellence in Teaching Act Forgivable Loans (Rule 25) – On April 22, 2009, the Excellence in Teaching Act (§§ 79-8,132−79-8,140 R.R.S.) was signed by Governor Heineman revising the existing Attracting Excellence to Teaching Program and authorizing the Enhancing Excellence in Teaching Program. Funding is provided by the Excellence in Teaching Cash Fund using a portion of the State Lottery Operation Trust Fund dollars.
- For Nebraska residents currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate teacher education program at an eligible Nebraska institution:
- For eligible students working towards their initial certificate to teach in Nebraska: Attracting Excellence to Teaching Program (AETP)
- For current teachers in Nebraska schools working toward their graduate degree: Enhancing Excellence in Teaching Program (EETP)
- Nebraska passed legislation in both 2021 and 2022 that provides funds to the six community colleges in the state to reduce tuition for dual credit courses.
- LB380 (2021) appropriation bill for FY2022-2023 for $3,062,234 General Funds for state aid for dual enrollment, to support discounting of tuition for dual credit courses.
- LB1014 (Section 50) (2022) provides PA funds of $5 million per year – divided by the six community colleges each year for three years to support discounting of tuition assessed for enrollment in such courses.
More information is available here:
Low income student tuition support is available in the Access College Early (ACE) Scholarship Program
Enabling Legislation
Nebraska Dual Enrollment Standards
Nebraska is one of five states with no legislation regarding dual enrollment programs. A web search for insight found an article on Legislative Bill 637 Study of Dual Enrollment and Career Academies in Nebraska by the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education 12/2011
Other Information
NDE/CCPE Joint Dual Credit Initiative: FINAL REPORT – December 4, 2019
The Coordinating Commission also published College Course Offerings for High School Students by NE Public Institutions 2019-2020 for quantitative reporting on dual credit participation by students and post-secondary partner institutions