Professional Development Plans – Teachers
High school teachers in Illinois who do not yet fully meet the Higher Learning Commission’s requirements to teach dual credit have a limited time opportunity to start teaching dual credit under a professional development plan while they work to complete the requirements.
Plan Criteria (to January 1, 2023) A teacher qualifies for a professional development plan according to the Dual Credit Quality Act if the teacher:
A. has a master’s degree in any discipline and has earned 9 graduate hours in a descipline in which he or she is currently teaching or expects to teach; or
B. has a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 18 graduate hours in a discipline that he or she is currently teaching or expects to teach and is enrolled in a discipline-specific master’s degree program; and
C. agrees to demonstrate his or her progress toward completion to the supervising institution, as outlined in the professional development plan.
Plan Criteria (January 1, 2023 to January 1, 2025) A teacher will qualify for a professional development plan accordiing to the Dual Credit Quality Act if the teacher:
A. has a master”s degree in any discipline, has earned 9 graduate hours in a discipline in which he or she currently teaches or expects to teach, and agrees to demonstrate his or her progress toward completion to the supervising institution, as outlined in the professional development plan; or
B. is a fully licensed instructor in career and technical education who is halfway toward meeting the institution’s requirements for faculty in the discipline to be taught and agrees to demonstrate his or her progress toward completion to the supervisiing institution, as outlined in the professional development plan.