NACEP provided a collection of recently published articles that look at the similarities and differences in AP courses and Dual Credit courses. Each of these were created to meet the high achievement student’s need for greater academic challenge. Dual credit is shifting away from a primary focus on high achievers to redress access and diversity objectives for students that target post-secondary aspirations. These articles provide a solid understanding of the various benefits and challenges of college credit programing for high school students. the first article is from the Community College Research Center It provides a solid overview and comparison of programs. The next is an opinion piece from Inside Higher Ed Are dual enrollment or AP courses more useful? ( Is Dual Enrollment or AP Better for Earning College Credit? – The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint ( is a primer for terms and measurement basics. And the access challenge for dual credit programing is reviewed in a piece from the Washington Informer, It Should Be Easy for Black Teens to Take College Classes – The Washington Informer
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